Please Donate

100% Volunteer Organization

Donate – Become A Guardian of Hope

$240 Hoof care
$110 Preventative care (worming & vaccinations)
$125 Dental care (floating teeth)
$720 Hay
$800 Grain
$1,000 Housing (pasture & shelter maintenance)
$2,995 Annual basic care & housing at Hope

Breakdown of costs:
46% Hay/Grain
25% Facilities/Maintenance
21% Med Supplies & Vet Care
08% Farrier

Average annual costs to care for one horse at Hope are listed here and do not include specialty care such as surgery or treatment of illnesses and injuries, chiropractic care or massages. Hope in the Valley strives to keep costs at a minimum, with all work done by volunteers and no staff salaries. With your donation, you help Hope continue to provide quality care and a second chance for the horses of Hope!